Fire Safety

What are anti-arson mailboxes and bags?

One of the larger fire risks in business districts and sometimes even in residential areas is arson, and sadly not only during riots. Usually, petrol is poured through the letter box and then set alight with a lit rag pushed through the letterbox. Arson endangers lives and property and in the case of an arson attack through the front door, the fire will actually block the main route of escape, increasing the risk to people even more. To protect yourself or your business against arson attacks, install anti-arson mailboxes on the back of your entrance doors or letter openings. The mailboxes will catch the burning liquid and extinguish the fire. There are two models of anti-arson mailboxes available: Mailboxes with integrated automatic extinguishers and a model with intumescent bag design, only. In the latter case the bag material swells through the heat and suffocates the fire.